Music producer Juan Sanchez to share subdued techno cuts via Fidel 4×4 series

Image credit: Timo Steenvoorden

After a couple of banging releases by Mode_1 and Vinicius Honorio, Juan Sanchez brings a softer, more subdued vibe to the label’s repertoire, while still delivering impeccable techno. The #4.3 EP delivers 4 DJ tools with compelling dance floor appeal. It’s hard to believe that legal raves remain a taboo in 2021 but Juan’s music manages to distillate a sense of hope for a brighter bassier phuture.

Juan Sanchez is no stranger to FIEDELTWO, with ‘Rude Request’ featured in the Super Sound Tool series last year. The Amsterdam based producer & prolific remixer has already released over two dozens of tracks for the likes of Drumcode or Ben Sim‘s Symbolism , while curating his own imprint FORMAT Records . He is also a resident of Shelter Club and had recently debuted a night titled Foʞus when the pandemic stroke.

De Neel In Me’ , on A1, roughly translates as ‘the pedant in me’ – which is something a music nerds might find relatable. The track bears a very personal dimension translated through functional & unbending straight-forward beats. The A-side’s second track ‘Dor’ creates an interesting contrast with its relaxed vibe, percolated bass-line & dreamy chords. It’s a perfect track for crowds to groove along to in-between hard stompers.

Double Standard’ on B1 is one of these raw sounding techno jacks that always works, even though the rhythm is more reminiscent of hard house. Bringing it into a set allows for endless mixing excursions! ‘Valu Aukuso’ on B2 concludes on a dark & driving note highlighted by the slightly sinister swirl sound. The extended break in combination with the track’s pace guarantees for pure rave jubilation.


Juan Sanchez – 4×4 Series Pt.3

Release Date: 18 March 2021

Format: Vinyl & Digital


A1. The Neel In Me

A2. longing

B1. Double Standards

B2. Valu Aukuso

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