Premiere and Interview: Spanish Techno duo Crime as Service share heavy new techno cut

The second digital release from Spanish techno label Koryu Budo Records comes from the hands of Spanish duo Crime as Service whose speciality is textured obscure techno with a passion for abstract ambiences and solid grooves.

The Security Options EP contains four cuts that work as a concept, rising from beatless to intense, excellent for those with proper mixing skills who can get the most out of these pristine sounding tools.

We are pleased to present the premiere of the release’s closing cut, ‘Dread Pirate Roberts’, alongside an interview with the minds behind the music.

‘Dread Pirate Roberts’ flows over heavy sub-bass action, a groove that grows progressively, phased and flanged components and a linear and mental arrangement.

What are your earliest memories of techno music?

At the end of the 90’s, Madrid had what for many people of our generation was a before and after, Soma Experimental Club. The sound, the musical culture, the artists … That changed everything. It is possibly our first great memory with techno, which led us to love this music and this culture.

Please tell us more about how your latest release was conceived and created.

We conceive the tracks as part of a musical line and a characteristic sound, created to be played in clubs, as tools for DJs. This concept fits perfectly with the vision of the Koryu Budo label team, with whom we are delighted to work, from here we thank them for their hard work and dedication.

What are the key pieces of gear or software that you are using when producing music?

We use practically anything we can get our hands on to produce music, both hardware and software. In recent times, several Elektron machines have become essential (Octatrack, Digitone, Analog Rytm and Analog Keys).

What is your favourite part of the creative/production process?

Our favourite part is when we start to create and design the sounds that we will use on the track. The moment of starting from zero, having that blank canvas, is possibly what we enjoy the most.

What is the most memorable response you’ve had to your music?

Receiving feedback from artists who have lived a lifetime, whom we have admired for many years, who play our music and value it is something incredible! It is also very special to reach people who are just starting out, that also makes us very excited, knowing that you inspire new generations is something great!

Outside of music, where do you draw inspiration from?

Beyond music, our source of inspiration is the world of computers and new technologies, hackers, computer viruses, etc … it is something that we are passionate about. The story behind each technological advance, of tools that we all use in our day to day life is incredible!

Tell us about what your upcoming releases or projects?

We have references closed with various labels, Dynamic Reflection among others. We are working hard in the studio for our labels (Selected Records and Golden Series) and also with other labels with which we will publish throughout this year and 2021.

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