Review: Exploring Pablo Bolivar’s latest minimal techno album

 Image credit: Javier Alonso

An ethereal journey through minimal techno awaits the listeners of Pablo Bolivar’s latest album. Released today, via Seven Villas, the Framework Of A Dream LP is an exploration of both space and nature with sound. Retreat into your mind and allow the gently rolling synths to breathe new life into your psyche. As always with a progressive album such as this one, a few tracks immediately stood out to us. 

Stream / Download Framework Of A Dream LP

Beginning with the soft ‘Bruma’, a calming tone is set before ‘Dusk Light’ envelopes the listener with vibrant energy, lifting the mood and leading into a progressive bassline. ‘Fuse’ is the spark needed to inspire the imagination, providing a few darker elements to contrast the otherwise light mood before we move on to the inspiring sounds of ‘Elevator’ which features Ben Preisinger. Preisinger’s touch can be felt throughout the album, as he caresses ‘Dusk Light’, brings a cheerful element to ‘Elevator’ and provides a honest, reflective moment in ‘Uncut’. According to Pablo Bolivar, ‘Elevator’ was the “seed” of the album, the first track he would create with Preisinger and the inspiration for future collaborations.  

Pablo Bolivar further elaborates on the inspiration for Framework Of A Dream: ”The source of this album, was the moving from Bcn to my hometown during the pandemic. I was producing the album in front of a green garden surrounded by mountains, a river and a wild beach… a dream come true, that’s why I have called it “Framework Of A Dream”.

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