Techno DJ Book Review: Positive Energy – Becoming Nakadia

Global female phenomenon, DJ Nakadia has been taking the techno world by storm in the last few years. Her rise to stardom was not an easy one and her route has been synonymous with both failures and positives but above all hard work. Positive Energy – Becoming Nakadia does not only delve into her life as a DJ or her musical journey, it takes us on the journey of a young thai girl born in the nineteen-eighties on the day before New Year. It follows young Seephrai Mungphaklang’s journey from the rice fields of Khonburi to playing sets at the world’s biggest clubs and electronic festivals. 

Being the youngest of five children, not only did she live without basic necessities such as running water and electricity, Seephrai was left to fend for herself for weeks at a time when her parents used to take on migrant jobs. She lived on as little as one dollar a day. At the frail age of fifteen, she quit school and left for another province to work minimum wage jobs in the hopes of making a better life for herself. 

Later on in life, she found a job at an internet café where she started learning basic English through blogs. This is where she met her long-time manager and friend, Sebastian Lehmann who is also the co-author of her autobiography. Speaking to ThaiPBS World, Sebastian explains that, “the book vividly describes Nakadia’s ups and downs, her triumphs and her disasters. It captures the moment she discovered techno and knew she was born to be a techno DJ, the hours spent relentlessly practising and crafting her sound, and the constant barrage of musical, political, social and sexual prejudice that at times made it seem like her career was over.”

On her Facebook page she spoke briefly about her inspiration behind the autobiography,  “so many people told me how inspiring my story is, and they didn’t even know 10% of it. So I decided to put it all on paper. Many of the stories I never told anyone, not even my parents know. I would be happy if I can inspire some people to believe in themselves and never give up!”

The official release of the book is planned for March 31, 2021, but a limited pre-release edition is now available on

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